Whitepaper on
easymap basic

easymap basic is the basic component in the easymap family. Included are already the core functionalities for the integration of your data (geocoding), the comfortable creation of digital maps and first analysis possibilities. Even on this basis, initial findings are possible.


easymap basic is used to visualize, analyze and present spatial data of all kinds:

  • Presentation and assessment of your market situation
  • Assessment of sites and areas
  • Localization of need for action in marketing and sales


  • Transfer of your addresses (e.g. customers, locations, field service residences) and business data (turnover, sales, number of customers, etc.) through integrated geocoding.
  • Clear visualization of the complex interrelationships in the extensively included digital maps.
  • Various graphical display options can be selected for maximum insight.
  • Possibility of automating recurring evaluations and reports.
basicdistrict managerexplorerperinternational
Geocoding of addresses (100m grid; DACH)
Analyses (area coloring, heatmap, symbols, diagrams, and more).
Design variety (diagrams, tables, internet map…)
Automate evaluations with reports.
Planning and optimizing areas and locations.
Area and location analyses (key areas, distance zones, etc.)
Document organizational structure: Reports with maps & data
Maps and data as web application (browser-based).
Mobile access (no matter which device)
Control access to maps and data due to permissions.
Accessibility analyses sorted by travel distance / travel time.
Geocoding of addresses (address-exact; worldwide)
Access to worldwide mapsand market data.

Included cards

All listed maps are integrated and available for you. Only for the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland you have to choose a favorite.

  • National Borders
  • Capitals
  • State borders, regional borders (federal states, cantons, departments, etc.)
  • Postcode boundaries (2-digit postcode areas)
  • Cities, European roads, rivers and lakes
  • Postal routing boundaries (5-digit, 2-digit and 1-digit postal code areas)
  • Administrative boundaries (federal states, administrative districts, urban and rural districts, municipalities)
  • Nielsen areas
  • Cities, motorways, federal roads, rivers and lakes
  • Postal routing boundaries (4-digit, 2-digit and 1-digit postal code areas)
  • Administrative boundaries (federal states, political districts, municipalities)
  • Cities, motorways, federal roads, rivers and lakes
  • Postal routing boundaries (4-digit, 2-digit and 1-digit postal code areas)
  • Administrative boundaries (cantons, districts, municipalities)
  • Cities, motorways, federal roads, rivers and lakes

Optional cards

You can purchase numerous themed, industry and international maps from us in addition, including:

  • Electricity and gas network operators
  • Basic supply areas (electricity + gas)
  • Control areas (electricity), market areas (gas)
  • IMS Landscape®
  • IMS Xponent®
  • RPI cells
  • RVI cells
  • Associations of panel doctors (district and state offices)
  • Grosso areas
  • Distribution areas of daily newspapers
  • Area codes (AVON)
  • Municipalities
  • Small-scale breakdown (statistical districts)
  • Constituencies / Voting districts
  • Spatial planning regions
  • Employment office districts
  • Counting districts in Austria
  • Eurostat NUTS 1-3

We offer cards of the

  • postal routing areas and
  • administrative borders and
  • detailed road maps

for almost every country in the world.

System requirements

Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012/2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 ¹

Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the mentioned operating systems are supported. Furthermore, app and desktop virtualization systems such as Citrix XenApp are supported.


  • Data:
    Excel, Access, SQL-Server, ODBC, text files (e.g. CSV), clipboard, Outlook contacts etc.
  • Cards:
    LTG, Shapefile, GeoTIFF, Internet maps (e.g. street maps)
  • Graphic export:
    PowerPoint, Word, JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PDF, etc.
  • Programming interface, object model


As a customer, you enjoy excellent software support from us, so that you achieve the best possible results with easymap.

  • Free Hotline
  • Video Tutorials
  • Online presentations
  • Live Support
  • Updates + ServicePacks
  • Software and support in German and English

easy testing

Try a free demo and convince yourself of easymap software performance. For this purpose, the full range of functions (without PRO features) is available for any test analyses in a limited postal code area. We would be happy to support you!