IMPORTANT: We are now infas 360 GmbH
Dear customers and partners,
We inform you today that infas LT GmbH was merged with infas 360 GmbH upon entry in the commercial register on October 25, 2023. infas LT GmbH and all business activities were thus transferred to infas 360 GmbH.
What does this mean in practice?
Previously | Since 25.10.2023 | |
Company Name: | infas LT GmbH | infas 360 GmbH |
Address: | Ollenhauerstraße 1 53113 Bonn |
No change |
Trade Register: | HRB 4533 | HRB 20702 |
VAT: | DE 122 122 296 | DE 294 692 878 |
Management: | Michael Herter Dr. Isabell Nehmeyer-Srocke |
No change |
Bank Details: | VR-Bank Rhein-Sieg eG DE30 3706 9520 0304 8450 15 GENODED1RST |
No change |
Contact: | Personalized Individual |
No change |
Contracts and licenses | infas LT GmbH | Are automatically transferred to infas 360 GmbH. You do not have to do anything. |
We kindly ask you to use the new company data for all correspondence with immediate effect and to adapt your digital directories accordingly. We are here for you at the usual telephone numbers and will be happy to help you with your concerns.
Now what belongs together is together:
We want to become your first port of call for data and data visualization. The merger is therefore a logical next step for us in the direction of consistent customer orientation. Our united, interdisciplinary team can now advise and support you even more efficiently from a single source in all aspects of
Generation, collection, consolidation, provision, analysis, visualization and interpretation of data:
- Target group addresses, geo, micro and market data.
- Research, surveys, web-crawling and scraping.
- CRM enrichment, customer profiling/segmentation.
- (Sales) territory planning, location evaluation.
- Mobility analyses.
- Standardized mapping software and tools such as easymap.
- Customized applications, dashboards & data platforms.
We very much look forward to working even more closely and better with you in the future!
Yours sincerely,
Michael Herter
Managing Director infas 360 GmbH
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