easymap 12.2: The highlights
Soon there will be a new version of easymap. Already now we would like to give a small insight into the highlights of the new version.
New features, new possibilities
Our mission is to always improve and keep up with the state of the art. That’s why we are once again offering innovative new features this year that make working with easymap even more convenient and efficient for you. We present the highlights here!
Potential data at the push of a button
Knowing more about your own markets and customers is the A&O of every company. To enable our customers to do this easily and efficiently, easymap professional customers will soon be able to conveniently download potential data on addresses at the push of a button via the infas data API using the new OData interface. This enables easymap users to enrich locations or areas with more information beyond the company’s own data and evaluate the opportunities and risks for sales and marketing. Typical potential data includes households, purchasing power and population data. More information about the API data interface can be found in our blog post.
Distance calculation between locations
Do you want to calculate the distance between two locations – and not just measure it as the crow flies? Would you like to know how long it takes your field staff to get to your customers? In the extension of pro functionalities, the distance and time calculation is implemented in the relationship analysis from easymap 12.2 version. Now you can choose between the traditional relationship analysis on linear distance or the new calculation of travel time and distance! With an analysis you can find out in easymap professional how many kilometers are between your different locations. This makes it easier to evaluate routes and find alternative options in sales. Read more about the new distance calculation between locations here.
Access to web-based document libraries
In the last two years, mobile working and home offices have greatly changed the way most of us work. Digital technologies, such as sharing via web-based document libraries, have become widespread and allow for shared access to all relevant data. Is your company also planning to switch to web-based document libraries? No problem! easymap adapts to all these changes and now offers you the possibility to open and save your easymap projects directly from web-based document libraries (e.g. Sharepoint). Take the opportunity to update your old easymap projects and share them with your colleagues! Read our blog to learn all the details about the new access to web-based document libraries.
Contact us
You don’t have a service subscription or have questions about easymap 12.2? No problem – we will make you an offer. Let our sales department advise you without obligation. Contact us by e-mail Vertrieb@infas-LT.de or phone +49 228 9591490.
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